Saturday, April 17, 2010

So I went to the Keio open house today.

The campus is across from Manhattanville college and we could barely read the big granite slab sign that said Keio Academy of New York but since I have good eyes we went up the hill. The campus was BEAUTIFUL. I am going to cry because I want July to come already so I can go to Keio already...

We walk into the school and we greet this guy who we think is a staff member but he turns out not to be and I am embarrassed. So I walk off and we find the REAL staff members, and we watch a presentation that is about ten minutes long and the WHOLE thing was in Japanese but subbed in English (I am good at reading subs because I watch anime.) and then we take off and we go down the campus outside and it's such a beautiful place I don't even. They have a nice little path lined with cherry trees and you can reach down and pick a blossom off the tree because they're small and reachable.

I meet this girl and her name is Sarah and we immediately start talking about anime. Turns out I have to introduce her to Higurashi because she has heard of it and really wants to watch it, but she has not picked it up yet. (Which reminds me that I need to start Kimi ni Todoke while I'm in Keio o k) And then we get into discussions about anime and the fact that her last name is Beer. Which is funny because MY last name is extremely similar to hers....

I had a lot of fun navigating the campus. Keio was just amazing. I can't even.
Summer 2010 is going to be the best of my life.


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