Saturday, April 17, 2010

So I went to the Keio open house today.

The campus is across from Manhattanville college and we could barely read the big granite slab sign that said Keio Academy of New York but since I have good eyes we went up the hill. The campus was BEAUTIFUL. I am going to cry because I want July to come already so I can go to Keio already...

We walk into the school and we greet this guy who we think is a staff member but he turns out not to be and I am embarrassed. So I walk off and we find the REAL staff members, and we watch a presentation that is about ten minutes long and the WHOLE thing was in Japanese but subbed in English (I am good at reading subs because I watch anime.) and then we take off and we go down the campus outside and it's such a beautiful place I don't even. They have a nice little path lined with cherry trees and you can reach down and pick a blossom off the tree because they're small and reachable.

I meet this girl and her name is Sarah and we immediately start talking about anime. Turns out I have to introduce her to Higurashi because she has heard of it and really wants to watch it, but she has not picked it up yet. (Which reminds me that I need to start Kimi ni Todoke while I'm in Keio o k) And then we get into discussions about anime and the fact that her last name is Beer. Which is funny because MY last name is extremely similar to hers....

I had a lot of fun navigating the campus. Keio was just amazing. I can't even.
Summer 2010 is going to be the best of my life.


Friday, April 16, 2010

Keio Summer Program 2010, HERE I COME!!!!

That's right!! I GOT IN!
Here's the actual email.

Congratulations! You have been selected to join the Keio Academy of New York Summer Program 2010. We will contact you again within a next couple of weeks with the details about next step so that you may proceed with the enrollment process as stated in STEP 4 on our application process website (

Again, thank you for applying. Faculty and staff members of Keio Academy of New York Summer Program 2010 are very much looking forward to meeting you this July.


Ryuta Ohtani

Administrative Director

Keio Summer Program 2010 Administrative Office

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The cherry blossoms came out today.

I am proud.
Cherry trees are my favorite things. They are strong, yet their flowers are delicate and beautiful and I don't know what.

Anyway I am writing a fiction that is not a fanfiction and it is going to be epic. Since my friends Mary and Kelley are coming over for a sleepover on Saturday night, they're going to help me turn what I've got into a manga since they are both amazing artists and yes if you guys are reading this you might as well admit it.

I shall see if I can create a different blog to publish it, little by little. Or maybe get it up on Fictionpress. I'll see, I'll see.

Hopeful also that I will get into Keio because I am extremely over-the-top excited for the open house which is also on Saturday. I am just. I will die if I do not get in, it's my only goal for this year apart from getting better grades. And seeing the campus itself will make it even more crushing if I do not get in...

Well. I'm pretty confident in my ability to get in so O K it'll most probably work out.
I should honestly get started on my fic now.

Each little flower that opens, each little bird that sings...

Oh, it's spring.


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Cicadas make me nostalgic.

Of June sunsets, of July sunsets. Fading away in August. Slowly disappearing and vanishing in September. I start to miss them through the winter and wish that summer comes faster. Not only for the heat, not just to get out of school. (Although those are the biggest reasons why I enjoy summer.) But just to hear those nostalgic cries, those short-lived summer cicadas again.
The main thing about cicadas is that when I moved here, when everything was overgrown and the driveway was unpaved and the house was painted a horrible stone blue, these cicadas were my companions at night. I sat on my bed for hours just thinking, as they accompanied me, as if my thoughts were the soloist and they were backup vocals. Oh, those beautiful summer days, although I was alone most of the time... although I had no friends in school, and needless to say no friends at home... the cicadas were there. I could always count on them to sing for me. Unlike myself. I could never count on myself to sing for someone else at any given point in time.
I count the days until the summer, and the first day of summer (in my mind) is the first day those cicadas start crying. Just as the first day of spring is the first day the cherry trees blossom. (Did I tell you I also quite like cherry blossoms? I shall describe later.)
Hearing them now, it takes me back to those days, maybe in... third grade? June fifth. That day was the day we arrived, and that night was the first night I ever heard the cry of a cicada. That night itself I may have forgotten, but the cry I will not.
With that sound that many others told me they do not enjoy, comes a certain hope. A new beginning. There comes a light, a feeling that I can turn myself around if anything bothers me about myself, if I feel that one thing or another is wrong. This cry is connected to my third-grade heart on that night, the night I first moved to America and started over with a clean slate. This cry is connected to me forever.
And every summer, every night that I hear the embodiment of my remembrances crying at my window, I stand up and I walk over and I salute those unknowing insects.
They are amazing things, cicadas.


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The pen is mightier than the sword.

But the keyboard is mightier than the pen. Especially in this day and age, ne?
So, this may be a lost cause, and I am quite tired of fighting again and again for lost causes;; but I quite like new beginnings. New beginnings of journals, blogs, video games, anything really but it has to inspire me for a short amount of time... Then slowly, I lose interest until one day I forget all about it, and lose everything... Oh well. This might just be one of those projects that I wish not to forget, but forget anyway.

Sorry, blog.

For now, though, this shall be my miniature recordings. I would like to draw a manga based on my life. I would like to write a book. The former would be rendered useless since I can't draw. The latter would take too long, and even though I am too young to be worrying about the like, my studies are taking over my life. (So is my computer. Grunts of disapproval.)
So, in this way, I blog.

I wish someday to develop a sarcastic sense of humor. This won't work out.

But apart from that, fangirling over Satoshi-kun from Higurashi no Naku Koro ni (which is my favorite anime and will forever be) is my current hobby right now. He is the love of my life. Which is no surprise because every anime boy that I have had a fictional character crush on has been the love of my life at some point or another. But no character EVER has been such an obsession for me as my dear Satoshi-kun. I can't even.

And he ends up in a coma.
I don't even know anymore.

Here is Satoshi-kun, for those of you who do not know him.

Satoshi-kun is amazing, he is amazing, he is.

I am currently dealing with a few things that are hard to deal with.
I will explain later.

This has been a post.
