Saturday, May 15, 2010

neglego, neglegere, neglexi, neglectum

to neglect or leave behind

So to update.

1. I got a Mion figure that is coming in a few days, I am excited.
2. Kelley and Mary are coming over, we are combining the Nendoroids and my Mion and the Keiichi and Rena that Kelley is going to buy, and coming up with some pretty amazing scenarios.
4. My Tumblr that I update a lot is at, I had to delete my favorite and most well-updated one that I have had since August because of haters.
5. I do not like raisins, but I do like oatmeal cookies. What a dilemma, ne.

We have about 2 months left in our leadership program and I will get my diploma soon. I cannot wait, ohmygod this will be amazing. I hope I get a class with Jaqui, because we have gotten quite close and I love teaching with her.
The pool in our backyard also got opened and I have been swimming quite a bit, but chlorine is all over my skin and it feels strange. Did you know that chlorine is a gas? I didn't, until we started studying chemistry in science, which I like a lot. Chemistry is fun. I used to be obsessed with it when I was younger, let's say 7? And I had this great big kit made for ages 12 and up and I was a big science prodigy. I don't know what happened to me, because I am not smart anymore, ahaa.

I have also been writing fanfiction and quite a lot of it.
I really need to finish up "Selenite" but why oh why did I write the third chapter FIRST. (It is a three-part fic.)
That was extremely stupid of me.

Okay. This has been a post.